ACCESS operator honored for helping man reported missing on Christmas Eve

Kitsap Transit Executive Director John Clauson (right) thanks ACCESS operator Gary Young.

On Christmas Eve last year, Kitsap Transit ACCESS operator Gary Young was driving his normal route when came across an elderly man who appeared to be in distress.

The man was waving his arms around, and when Gary stopped his coach to see if the man was waiting for a ride, he also noticed that the man was cold, wet and confused. After letting him in his coach to have a seat, Gary called dispatch and asked them to call 911. Law enforcement arrived on the scene and told Gary that they had just received a missing person’s report for an elderly man with dementia – the same man who was on Gary’s bus.

On May 3, Kitsap Transit's Board of Commissioners recognized Gary for his thoughtful and kind actions that helped the man make it home safely to his family.

Kitsap Transit awarded Gary with a Significant Safety Award, which recognizes employees that go above and beyond normal operator responsibilities. WSTIP, the Washington State Transit Insurance Pool, also awarded Gary with their Above & Beyond Award, an award established to recognize employees for heroism.

“I believe Gary’s actions that day last year went a long way to not only providing a safe conclusion to this elderly gentleman’s day, but made his family members very grateful as well,” Kitsap Transit Executive Director John Clauson said. “I was glad to submit Gary for this wonderful recognition and I am proud he is a part of the great team here at Kitsap Transit.”

Gary has driven for Kitsap Transit since 2004. He’s been named Driver of the Month twice and also received a 13-year Safe Driving Award in June 2021. This isn’t Gary’s first Significant Safety Award, either; he was awarded another one in November 2005 for assisting a bicyclist in distress.

Our bus operators make a positive impact in our community every day, and we want to make sure they’re recognized for it. If you think an operator deserves recognition for their outstanding service, let us know by filling out the customer comment form on our website.


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