Where are you headed? Take our origin-destination survey and be entered to win a $50 VISA Gift Card!

A woman holds a clipboard for another woman, who is filling out a survey.

If you’ve ridden our buses or ferries over the last week, you may have been approached by a person in a vest asking you to take a quick survey. Don’t panic! Those are Kitsap Transit’s Origin-Destination surveyors, and they (we) need your help.

Kitsap Transit is required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to conduct an origin-destination survey of current riders to inform our service planning. Historically, these have been in-person surveys on our buses, but we are supplementing these with an online survey, so riders have multiple options if they don’t want to take the survey while on board.

Surveyors will be on our buses through Oct. 28. Help shape the future of Kitsap Transit by taking a quick survey while you ride. Riders who submit a survey will be entered to win one of several $50 VISA Gift Cards!

The survey is also open online and will stay open through Nov. 3. The survey is available online in English, Spanish and Tagalog. If you need translation assistance, you can call 1-800-501-7433.

(Please take the survey only once. Visit our Terms and Conditions page for drawing eligibility.)


Be safe, be seen: Safety tips for riding transit this winter


Headways Newsletter: September 2023